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Child and Health Development
1927, The Will - Temperament of Indians
1936,The McAdory art test applied to navaho indian children
1946, Environmental and the draw-a-man test - the performance of indian children
1967, Chronic otitis media in school age Navajo Indians
1969, Protein and Calorie Malnutrition Among Pre-School Navajo Indian Children
1969, The incidence of ear disease in the Navajo Indians
1971, problem solving abilities and psychomotor skills of three ethnic groups in two junior high schools of USA
1973, The working mother and child neglect on the navajo reservation
1973, Doxycycline Treatment of Chronic Trachoma
1976, academic achievement, IQ, level of occupational plans, and ethnic stereotypes for anglos and navahos in a multi-ethnic high school
1976, Changes in navajo responses to the draw-a-man test
1976, Preferences for nonrepresentational drawings by Navaho and other children
1976, Protein and calorie malnutrition among preschool Navajo indian children, a follow-up
1976, Vitamin C and Acute Illness in Navajo School children
1977, Social factors contributing to exceptional navajo students
1978, Maternal blood pressure in pregnancy and newborn irritability
1978, Prevalence of trachoma among Navajo Indian Children
1979, Biological and cultural differences in early child development
1979, Clinical Utility of the WISC-R and the French Pictorial Test of Intelligence with Native American Primary Grade Children
1979, vocational and personal effectiveness training of a developmentally delayed navajo girl
1980, Distribution of Otitis Media among Four Indian Populations in Arizona
1980, Relation between prenatal maternal blood pressure and infant irritability
1981, Evaluation of lactational performance of Navajo women
1981, Navajo child abuse and neglect study- A comparison group examination of abuse and neglect of navajo children
1981, Nutritional assessment of pregnant and lactating Navajo women
1981, Observations on the Relation of Environmental and Behavioral Factors to the Occurrence of Otitis Media among Indian Children
1982, epdiemiology of fetal alcohol syndrome among american indians of the southwest
1983, Comparison of the wisc-r and ppvt-r with navajo children
1984, Ear Disease and hearing loss among navajo children-a mass survey
1985, Comprehensive Health Services for Developmentally Disabled Navajo Children
1986, Acute Chlamydia trachomatis Respiratory Infection in Childhood
1986, Prevalence of Hepatitis A Virus Antibody among Navajo School Children
1987, Birth weight and Subsequent growth among Navajo Children
1987, Periodontal disease in adolescents-epidemiologic findings in Navajo Indians
1988, The Epidemiology of Infection with the Human Herpesviruses in Navajo Children
1989, Baby bottle tooth decay in Native American children in Head Start centers
1990, Determinants of blood pressure in Navajo adolescents
1990, Immunogenicity of Haem. infl. Type b Polys.-Protein Conjugate Vaccines in Children With Conditions Associated With Impaired Antibody Respo
1992, Prevention of Haemophilus influenzae Type b Infections in Apache and Navajo Children
1993, Culture, Ethnicity, and the Family-Critical Factors in Childhood Chronic Illnesses and Disabilities
1994, Immunogenicity, safety and tolerability of varying doses and regimens of inactivated hepatitis A virus vaccine in Navajo children
1997, Health of Navajo Women- Findings from the Navajo Health and Nutrition Survey, 1991-92
1998, Sexual Orientation, Sexual Behaviors, and Pregnancy Among American Indian Adolescents
1998, Student Teachers Efforts to Promote Self-Esteem in Navajo Pupils
2006, Home-Visiting Intervention to Improve Child Care Among AI Adolescent Mothers
2014- Factors associated with oral health status in american indian children
2014- Oral health status in navajo nation head start children
2014- Preventing caries in preschoolers_Successful initiation of an innovative community-based clinical trial in Navajo Nation Head Start
2014- Recruitment for health disparities preventive intervention trials- the early childhood caries collaborating centers
2014- Validation of a pediatric oral health-related quality of life scale in navajo children
2015- Persistence of IgG antibody following routine infant immunization with 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
2015- Successful newborn screening for SCID in the navajo nation
Learning from caries-free children in a high-caries american indian population
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