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Johns Hopkins Publications
1981- Oral Electrolyte Solutions For Infantile Diarrhea
1982- Risk of Hypernatremia W Oral Rehydration
1983- Detection of Rotavirus In Respiratory Secretions of children with pneumonia
1983- Oral Rehydration in Acute Infantile Diarrhea
1984- Outpatient use of oral rehyradration solutions in Apache population- effect of instructions on preparation and contamination
1985- Capsular antigens noncovalently or covalently associated with protien as vaccines to haemophilus influenzae type B- comparison in two-year-old children
1985- Epidemiology of rotavirus diarrhea in a prospectively monitored american indian population
1985- Oral Rehydration Therapy For Acute Diarrhea in ambulatory children in the united states- a double blind comparison of four different solution-s
1985- Role Of Soy-Based Lactose formula During Treatment of Acute Diarrhea Pediatrics
1986- Age-Related Rate of Seropositivity of Antibody To Giardia lamblia in four diverse populations
1986- Glycine-Based Oral Rehydration Solution
1987- Isolation of Enterotoxigenic Bacteroides Fragilis From Humans With Diarrhea
1987- Oral Rehydration Therapy and Dietary Therapy For Acute Childhood Diarrhea
1987- Prevention of Haemophilus Influenzae type b infections in high-risk infants treated with bacterial polysaccharide immune globulin
1990- Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Conjugate Vaccine
1990- Impaired Antibody Response to Haemophilus Influenza Type B Polysaccharide
1990- Passive Immunization For Infection With Haemophilus Influenzae
1990- Rotavirus Diarrhea in Apache Children- A case control study
1991- Role of Soy-Based Lactose-Free Formula In Outpatient Management of Diarrhea
1991- Body Composition Assessment In American Indian Children
1991- Oral Rehydration Therapy A Global Perspective
1992- Distributions of Serotypes of Human Rotavirus in Different Populations
1992- Enterotoxigenic bacteroides fragilis- epidemiologic studies of its role as a human diarrhoeal pathogen
1992- Evaluation of bacterial polysaccharide immune globulin for the treatment or prevention of haemophilus influenzae type b and Pneumococcal disease
1992- High Incidence of Invase Pnuemococcal Disease in the White Mountain Apache Population
1993- AntiPRP antibody Levels after a primary series of PRP-OMPC and persistence of antibody titres following primary and booster doses 1993
1993- Interference of immune globulin with measles and rubella Immunization
1993- Prevention of Haemophilus Influenzae Type B disease
1994- Barriers To Use of Oral Rehydration Therapy
1994- Hydrolyzed Lactalbumin-based Oral Rehydration Solution For Acute Diarrhea in Infants
1994- Postlicensure Effectiveness of The Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Polysaccharide
1995- Diarrhoeal Dieases in the White Mountain Apaches: Epidemiologic Studies
1997- Efficacy and safety of high-dose rhesus-human reassortant rotavirus vaccine in Native American populations
1998- Pathways- A school Based Program for the primary prevention of Obesity in American Indian Children
1999- A Case-Study of Risk Factors for haemophilus influenzae Type B Disease in Navaho children
1999- Development Of a questionnaire to assess knowledge, Attitudes, And Behaviors In American Indian Children
1999- Practicing Participatory Research In American Indian Communities
2000- Toward Elimination of Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Carriage and Disease Among High Risk American Indian children
2000- Can Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Be Eliminated From The United States
2000- Estimation Of Body Fat From Anhropoemetry And Bioelectrical Impedance in Native American Children
2000- Estimation of the indirect effect if Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Conjugate Vaccine
2000- Immunogenicity Of a Heptavalent Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in apache and navajo indian Alaska Native and Non-Native American Children under 2 years of age
2001- Cluster and Regional Influences On Suicide in a Southwestern American Indian Tribe
2001- Design of A Group-Randomized Streptococcal Pneumoniae Vaccine Trial
2002- Respiratiory Syncytial Virus Infection in Navajo and White Mountain Apache Children Pediatrics
2003- Effectiveness of the 23-valent polysaccharide vaccine against invasive pneumoccocal disease in Navajo Adults
2003- Efficacy and Safety of Seven-Valent Conjugate Pnuemoccocal Vaccine in American Indian Children- Group Randomised Trial 2003
2003- Pathways- A School-Based Randomized Contrilled TRial For The Prevention of Obesity In American Indian Schoolchildren
2003- Transient and Persistent Helicobacter Pylori Colonization in Native American Children
2004- Long-Term Efficacy of BCG Vaccine in American Indians and Alaska Natives
2004- NAsopharyngeal Nersis Oropharyngeal Sampling For Detection of Pneumococcal Carriage in adults 2004 HOPKINS
2004- Safety and Immunogenicity of Two Octavalent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vacinnes in American Indian Infants
2004- Detection of Multiple Serotypews Of Streptococcus Pneumoniae in Nasopharyngeal Secretions Using Immunoblot Method 2004
2004- Epidemiology of invasive Streptococcus Pneumoniae Among Navajo Children in the Era Begore Use of Conjugate Pneumococcal Vaccines Era 1989-1996
2004- Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Among Navajo Adults 1989-1998
2004- Potential Impact of Conjugate Pneumoccoccal Vaccines on Pediatric Pneumicoccal Diseases
2005- Epidemiology Of Invasive Haemophilus Influenzae Type A Disease Among Navajo and White Mountain Apache Children, 1988-2003
2005- Human Vaccines- Delivering Pneumococcal Vaccine to a High Risk Population- The Navajo Experience
2006 - Evaluation of The Indirect Effects of a Pneumococcal Vaccine In a Community-Randomized Study
2006- Could a single dose of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children be effective- Modeling the optimal age of vaccination
2006- Home-visiting intervention to improve child care among american indian adolescent mothers - a randomized trial
2007- Association of the pneumococcal pilus with certain capsular serotypes but not with increased virulence
2007- Effect of Pneumococcal conjugate vacccine on nasopharyngeal colonization among immunized and unimmunized children in a community-randomized trial
2007 - Estimating the Protective Concentration of Antipneumoccocal Capsular Polysaccharide Antibodies
2007- The Prevalence and Incidence of End-Stage Renal Disease In Native American Adults on The Navajo Reservation
2007- Combined schedules of pneumococcal conjugate and polysaccharide vaccines- is hyporesponsiveness an issue
2007- Contributions Of Native Americans to the Global Control of Infectious Diseases 2007
2007- Predictors of Pneumoccocal Conjugate Vaccine Immunogenicity among infants and toddlers in An American Indian PnCRM7 Efficacy trial
2007- Risk Factors For Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Among Navajo Adults
2007- Strain Characteristics of streptococcus pneumoniae crriage and invasive disease isolates
2008- Changing epidemiology of invasive pneumococcal disease among white mountain apache persons in the era of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
2008- HOPKINS- The Role of Neutralizing antibodies in protection of american indian infants against Respiratory Syncytial Virus Disease
2008- Invasive pneumococcal Disease Among white mountain apache adults 2008
2008- The first americans have much to teach us
2009- Impact of immunizations on the disease burden of american indian and alaska native children
2009- Nasopharyngeal carriage of streptococcus pneumoniae in navajo and white mountain apache children before the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
2009- Pneumococcal Antibodies in a child with type 14 pneumococcal conjugate vaccine failure
2009- Randomized controlled trial of a paraprofessional-delivered in-home intervention for young reservation-based american indian mothers
2009- Toward understanding suicide among youths- Results from the white mountain apache tribally mandated suicide surveillance system 2001-2006
2010- Examining correlates of methamphetamine and other drug use in pregnant american indian adolescents
2010- Invasive Pneumococcal Disease a decade after Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccine use in an american indian population at high risk for disease
2010- Measuring the incidence of adult community-acquired pneumonia in a native american community
2010- Use of serology and urine antigen detection to estimate the proportion of adult cummunity-acquired attributable to streptococcus pneumoniae
2010- Revisiting Pneumococcal carriage using broth enrichment and PCR techniques for enhanced detection of carriage and serotoypes
2010- Pre- and Post- Conjugate vaccine epidemiology of pneumococcal serotype 6C invasive disease and carriage within navajo and white mountain apache communities
2011- Maternal influenza vaccination and effect on influenza virus infection in young infants
2011- Nonsuicidal self-injury in an american indian reservation community_results from the white mountain apache surveillance system,2007-2008
2012- Efficacy of a pentavalent human-bovine reassortment rotavirus vaccine against rotavirus gastroenteritis among american indian children
2012- Epidemiologic and clinical features of other enteric viruses associated with acute gastroenteritis in american indian infants
2012- Exploring binge drinking and drug use among american indians- Data from adolescent focus groups
2012- Fatherhood roles and drug use among young american indian men
2012- Food Insecurity and household eating patterns among vulnerable american-indian families_associations with caregiver and food consumption characteristics
2012- Impact of more than a decade of pneumococcal conjugate in native american communities
2012- Nontypeabe pneumococcal isolates among navajo and white mountain apache communities- are these really a cause of invasive disease
2012- Pneumococcal sequence type replacement among american indian children_a comparison of pre- and routine-PCV7 eras
2012- Postpartum depression prevention for reservation-based american indians- results from a pilot randomized controlled trial
2012- The family spirit trial for american indian teen mothers and their children- CBPR rationale, design, methods and baseline characteristics
2012- Understanding the relationship between use and self-injury in american indian youth
2013- A prospective study of agents associated with acute respiratory infection among young american indian children
2013- Effect of a paraprofessional home-visiting intervention on american indian teen mothers' and infants' behavioral risks - a randomized controlled trial
2013- Lack of nonspecific protection against all-cause nonretrovirus gastroenteritis by vaccination with orally administered rotavirus vaccine
2013- Using pneumococcal carriage data to monitor postvaccination changes in invasive disease
2014- Community-based surveillance and case management for suicide prevention- an american indian triballly initiated system
2014- Emergency department utilization among american indian adolescents who made a suicide attempt- a screening opportunity
2014- Self-administered sample collection for screening of sexually transmitted infection among reservation-based american indian youth
2015- Persistence of IgG antibody following routine infant immunization with the 7-valent pneumococcal conugate vaccine
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