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General Navajo Health
1923, Health Conditions among the Indians
1927, Trachoma among the Indians of the Southwest
1940, Meningitis Epidemic among Navajo Indians
1947, Health among the Navajo Indians
1949, Health of the Navajo-Hopi Indians
1949, The Problem of Medical Care for Navajo Indians
1971, Indian Health Service modernizes medical care on reservations
1971, The other poor and their children
1972, Some Navaho Attitudes Toward Available Medical Care
1976, Stake theory as an explanatory device in Navajo alcoholism treatment response
1977, A month on the Navajo reservation
1977, Cultural Expectations versus Reality in Navajo Seizure Patterns and Sick Roles
1979, Blood Pressure Survey on the Navajo Indian Reservation
1979, Life Careers of Navajo Epileptics and Convulsive Hysterics
1982, Eye Disease in the Navajo Indians
1982, Lung Cancer among Navajo Uranium Miners
1984, Uranium mining and lung cancer in Navajo men
1986, A study of dog bites on the Navajo reservation
1986, Crosscultural Contacts-Changes in the diet and nutrition of the Navajo Indians
1988, More frequent diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction among Navajo Indians
1989, Hand Trembling, Frenzy Witchcraft, and Moth Madness-A Study of Navajo Seizure Disorders
1989, Prevalence of diabetes in the Navajo Indian community
1989, The Sore that does not Heal-Cause and Concept in the Navajo Experience of Cancer
1990, A Critical Appraisal of the Navajo Health Care System
1990, The Changing Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus among Navajo Indians
1991, Pathways to infection-AIDS vulnerability among the Navajo
1991, Safety and Immunogenecity of a haemophilus influenzae type be conjugate vaccine in a high risk AI population
1992, Pedestrian and Hypothermia Deaths Among Native Americans in New Mexico Between Bar and Home
1992, Prevalence of diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance among Navajo Indians
1994, Blood pressure in Navajo Indians...cardiovascular disease
1994, Book review - Drinking careers- a twenty-five year study of three navajo populations
1994, Pulmonary function test outcomes in health Navajo Native American adolescents
1995, Cardiovascular disease in Navajo indians with type 2 diabetes
1995, Mortality among Navajo uranium miners
1996, Uranium is in my body
1997, Assessment of Occupational Risk for Hantavirus Infection in Arizona and New Mexico
1997, Intake of nutrients and food sources of nutrients among the Navajo
1998, A review of localized juvenile periodontitis (LJP)-II Clincal trials and treatment guidelines
1999, Alcohol dependence and conduct disorder among Navajo Indians
1999, CYP2E1 expression in human lymphocytes from various ethnic populations
1999, Observational Studies as Human Experimentation-The Uranim Mining Experience in the Navajo Nation (1947-66)
2001, Drinking, conduct disorder, and social change-navajo experiences (book review)
2002, Walking in Beauty at Sage Memorial Hospital
2006, Life-Course Observations of Alcohol Use among Navajo Indians
2006, Screening for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
2009, Development of risk maps to minimize uranium exposures in the Navajo Churchrock mining district
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